Evah Associates |
Solutions: We can help you to reduce your carbon and ecological footprint, waste and risk. We provide advice, assessment and know how on sustainability and support for environmental due diligence.
Opportunity: The global scale of habitat deterioration and destruction, climate change and depletion of natural resources has elicited responses from industry, governments and communities worldwide.
All activities, assets and supply chains have eco-footprints. These are quickly accounted for using standard methods. And such footprints e.g. need measuring before reducing. Our eco-profiling shows and helps reduce eco-footprints.
Gain world-class capability in Life Cycle Impact and Benefit Assessment, Ecolabelling, Environmental Product Declarations, with expertise in Sustainability Assessment. We work from backgrounds in manufacturing, engineering, architecture, specification, industrial ecology and procurement.
This experience enables us to:
·Ensure compliant environmental due diligence;
·Support your company competitive position;
·Balance your corporate triple bottom line;
·Enable your asset's ecological sustainability;
·Review risk or assess and resolve hot issues;
·Deliver you fast LCA eco-profiling, and
·Assess economic, ecologic or social outcomes.
1) World leading life cycle analysis methods for the circular economy
2) Cradle to Grave eco-profiles for 2000 Olympics Stadium Australia.
3) Brief for Australia’s first 5-star greenhouse rated office building.
4) Fitout Guide adopted by Multinationals, Governments and Industry.
5) Supply chain inventory for automated green building assessment.
6) Seminal awards, handbooks, guidelines, lectures and papers.
The image shows benchmarks with 100% compliance in red compared to best practice in blue (20 to 40% lower) and green of 50% to 90% lower impacts. This analysis example was automated off the project CAD model.
Email [email protected] phone: +61 (0)7 5545 0998 or mobile +61 (0)4 3856 0212
Evah Associates, Tamborine Mountain, Queensland AUSTRALIA 4272 ABN:68998454931